On the first of September PMI launched an exciting new program we call The Vitamin Project! The concern for the well-being of the Nandlal slum kids is what began the incredible undertaking. Over a year ago it was observed that a leading cause of sickness among the kids is malnutrition. The most plausible and practical solution was vitamins! With a goal before us, the plan was set in motion. In the time since, PMI’s founder, Dr. Peter Malakar, met with a trusted friend who directed him to just the right source.
Now, through the help of a very reputable humanitarian agency specializing in children’s health, a plentiful amount of vitamins have been supplied for Nandlal’s children. In fact, we have selected 100 kids to receive vitamins over the span of this year. A monumental step toward the goal was complete, but this is only half the story...
The arduous task of getting the vitamins from the bottles to the kids is no simple matter. Much planning, organizing, and education has laid the groundwork, but the year remains before us, and we need you, the volunteers!
Presently, the PMI staff and others are serving in two vital capacities:
There are three educational program where children are given their vitamins: CHEP, BSP, and Pathshala. At these regularly scheduled programs kids are given the vitamins necessary till the time they return to PMI. Volunteers are needed to manage the distribution, monitor the child’s overall health, and keep accurate records. At the end of every month each child’s height, weight, and health is documented. Volunteers should plan to assist in these educational tutoring programs if interested to help.
CHEP: 3 PM - 5 PM Tues, Thurs. & Fri.
BSP: 3 PM - 5 PM Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, & Sat.
PATHSHALA: 1 PM - 2 PM Everyday
The importance of vitamins to the child’s health is often times not well known, and may even be misunderstood, within the slum community. Parents need to be educated about their purpose and responsibility. They also need to be taught that vitamins are never a cause for sickness. For that reason, PMI has decided to initiate the Vitamin Campaign. The Vitamin Campaign exists to address these areas of ignorance and misunderstanding, as well as ensure that the parents are properly and regularly giving their children the vitamins. While our staff make house visits routinely, we are looking for volunteers to go on Sunday evening from 4 PM - 5 PM(If interested please come to our PMI center at 3:45pm).
If you have any questions or would like to volunteer toward this effort please contact us!